Inverse Secant – Why Its Derivative Has an Absolute Value


$y=\operatorname{arcsec}x$ can be defined in two ways. The first restricts the domain of $\sec y$ to $[0,\pi], y\neq\frac{\pi}{2}$. So the range of $y$ goes between $[0,\frac{\pi}{2})\cup(\frac{\pi}{2},\pi]$ and the slope of the function is always positive. The derivative is


And when the domain of $\sec y$ function is defined as $[0,\frac{\pi}{2})\cup[\pi,\frac{3\pi}{2})$ the $\operatorname{arcsec}x$ has a negative slope for $x\leq-1$. That's why the derivative is


(It's just different in the absolute value). But what's the proof?

In my attempt to prove it, I'm using the theorem for derivate an inverse function, which is


So, we have

$$\frac{d}{dx}[\operatorname{arcsec}(x)]=\frac{1}{\sec (\operatorname{arcsec}(x))\cdot\tan (\operatorname{arcsec}(x))}$$

At this point, I think is safe to say that $\sec (\operatorname{arcsec}(x))=x$ because this identity works for $|x|\geq1$, and that's the domain of $y$.

For the $\tan$, I'm using the right triangle diagram

Right Triangle Diagram

Where the hypotenuse is $x$, the adjacent side is 1 (so $\sec y=x$) and the opposite side is $\sqrt{x^2-1}$. The $\tan y$ results in $\sqrt{x^2-1}/1=\sqrt{x^2-1}$. Substituting we get


But I don't understand where does the absolute value come from.

Reading other questions and watching some videos, I realize that the absolute value comes from the identity $\tan^2x+1=\sec^2x$, but as you can see, this prove doesn't use that identity.

Best Answer

The right triangle with hypotenuse $x$ and legs $1$ and $\sqrt{x^2-1}$ is a useful mnemonic device, but strictly speaking it is only valid for $0 < y < \frac\pi2,$ because by definition the non-right angles in a right triangle are positive and acute.

When $\frac\pi2 < y \leq \pi,$ it turns out that actually $\tan y < 0.$ The correct formula in that case is $\tan y = -\sqrt{x^2-1},$ which you can find from the facts that $\tan y < 0$ and $$ \tan^2 y = \sec^2 y - 1. $$

So if you define the arc secant function on $(-\infty,-1] \cup [1,\infty)$ so that its range is $\left[0,\frac\pi2\right) \cup \left(\frac\pi2,\pi\right]$ then $$ \tan(\operatorname{arcsec}(x)) = \begin{cases} \sqrt{x^2-1} & x \geq 1, \\ -\sqrt{x^2-1} & x \leq 1. \end{cases} $$ On the other hand, you are correct when you say that $\sec (\operatorname{arcsec}(x) = x$ for all $x$ in the domain of the arc secant. When you use these equations to make substitutions in the formula $$ \frac{d}{dx}[\operatorname{arcsec}(x)] = \frac{1}{\sec(\operatorname{arcsec}(x)) \tan(\operatorname{arcsec}(x))}, $$ you get $$ \frac{d}{dx}[\operatorname{arcsec}(x)] = \begin{cases} \dfrac{1}{x \cdot \sqrt{x^2-1}} & x \geq 1, \\ \dfrac{1}{x \cdot (-\sqrt{x^2-1})} & x \leq 1. \end{cases} $$ Now observe that if $x \geq 1$ then $\lvert x\rvert = x$ and therefore $$\lvert x\rvert \cdot \sqrt{x^2-1} = x \cdot \sqrt{x^2-1},$$ whereas if $x \leq -1$ then $\lvert x\rvert = -x$ and therefore $$\lvert x\rvert \cdot \sqrt{x^2-1} = -x \cdot \sqrt{x^2-1} = x \cdot (-\sqrt{x^2-1}).$$ So both cases (positive and negative $x$) are correctly represented by $\lvert x\rvert \sqrt{x^2-1}.$

If we define the arc secant instead so that its range is $\left[0,\frac\pi2\right) \cup \left(\pi,\frac32\pi\right]$, then $\tan y > 0$ on all parts of the range and your derivation is completely correct.

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