[Math] Why the axioms for a topological space are those axioms


This question might have even been asked here before, I don't really know, so sorry if it's duplicate. I've started to study topological spaces and I've found the axioms for such spaces kind of hard to motivate. Well, the ideia of a metric space is much easier to motivate: "the concept of distance is context dependent, so we want a general idea of what distance is and a general idea of a set on which we can measure distances". The axioms then for a metric are very intuitive, easy to motivate and everything else.

Then we start studying properties of subsets of metric spaces. We define open balls as a way to make precise the notion of "the set of all points that are sufficiently close to a central point" and we define open sets to make precise "sets such that for every point, other points sufficiently close are also in the set", which can also be thought as sets such that each point can be oscilated a little bit from it's position and the point will stay on the set.

After that we can define lots of things: limit points, closed sets, dense sets, perfect sets, compactness and so on. We also see that all of those notions can be made precise mentioning the open sets alone: the metric is not really necessary to talk about those things, as soon as we can define what open sets are. So this is enough motivation to define a structure on which we have open sets.

The answer to this problem is to define a topology on a set $X$ as a set $\mathcal{T} \subset \mathcal{P}(X)$ such that $\mathcal{T}$ is closed under arbitrary unions, finite intersections and such that $X,\emptyset \in \mathcal{T}$. If, $X$ is a metric space, and we let $\mathcal{T}$ be the set of open sets as they are defined using balls, then the three properties are satisfied.

My only question is: why those properties capture completely the idea of an open set? I mean, amongst all properties of open sets, why do we select those three? I've always heard that topology is meant to study qualitatively global properties of forms, that's the way we start in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and the way we generalize to metric spaces: we introduce tools that allows us to define carefully some of these properties and we work out definitions. It doesn't seem clear the connection of this motivation for topology and the actual definition.

I've seem a similar question on MathOverflow, and there was one answer trying to motivate this in terms of rulers, but I really didn't get the idea. Can someone give a little help with this?

Thanks very much in advance!

Best Answer

The heart of it is that, while your intuition is that "continuity" is about distances - you first learn continuity in terms of $\epsilon-\delta$ proofs - it turns out that continuity is really only about open sets. Whether a map $f:X\to Y$ between metric spaces is continuous is entirely determined by the open sets of $X$ and $Y$. If you have two different metrics for $X$ which determine the same open sets, the set of continuous functions on $X$ are the same.

Since topology is the study of continuity, it makes sense to only care about open sets, then, not metrics.

The original definitions for "topology" had more rules about the open sets that made topologies "more like" metric spaces. But as mathematicians started playing with these things, they found that it made sense to ask questions about continuity in the cases where these rules were broken, too. So the definition was broadened to give the widest meaning.

A very basic example might be left-continuity. A function $f:\mathbb R\to Y$ with $Y$ a metric space is called left-continuous if $\lim_{x\to a-} f(x)=f(a)$ for all $a\in\mathbb R$.

It turns out, there is a topology on the real line, call it $\tau_{L}$, under which a function $f$ is left-continuous if and only if it is (topologically) continuous as a function from $(\mathbb R,\tau_L)\to Y$. (Note: $\tau_{L}$ has a basis the intervals of the form $(x,y]$.) Now, $\tau_{L}$ is a point-set topology, but it is not one that comes from a metric. So the notion of "left-continuity" is an example of an idea that fits the point-set definition of continuity, but does not fit the $\epsilon-\delta$ notion of continuity - you essentially need to redefine it.

The fact that left-continuity and right-continuity together is the same as "normal" continuity is a statement about the three different topologies. Somehow, the usual real line topology is a combination of these two other topologies.

It turns out there is something really deep going on here. Somehow, the open neighborhoods of a point in a topology contains a lot of information - what we call "local information" - about behavior of "nice" functions at that point.

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