[Math] why not the Ricci tensor is the contraction of first and second indices of Riemann tensor


Why the Ricci tensor is defined the contraction of first and third indices of Riemann tensor? I guess it is more natural to define it as to contract the first and the second indices?
Since from Wiki :
$$R_{\sigma \mu \nu}^\rho = dx^\rho(R(\partial_\mu,\partial_\nu)\partial_\sigma)$$
To do a contraction, I guess it should be done on $\rho $ and $\sigma$ so that
$$R_{\mu \nu} = R_{\sigma \mu \nu}^ \sigma$$

but why the definition is
$$R_{\mu \nu} = R_{\mu \sigma \nu}^ \sigma$$

Best Answer

The symmetries of the Riemann tensor imply that $R^\sigma{}_{\sigma \mu \nu} = 0$. In fact the Ricci curvature is the only non-zero contraction of the Riemann tensor.