[Math] Why not include as a requirement that all functions must be continuous to be differentiable


Theorem: Suppose that $f : A \to \mathbb{R}$ where $A \subseteq \mathbb{R}$. If $f$ is differentiable at $x \in A$, then $f$ is continuous at $x$.

This theorem is equivalent (by the contrapositive) to the result that if $f$ is not continuous at $x \in A$ then $f$ is not differentiable at $x$.

Why then do authors in almost every analysis book, not take continuity of $f$ as a requirement in the definition of the derivative of $f$ when we (seemingly) end up with equivalent results?

For example I don't see why this wouldn't be a good definition of the derivative of a function

Definition: Let $A \subseteq \mathbb{R}$ and let $f : A \to \mathbb{R}$ be a function continuous at $a$. Let $a \in \operatorname{Int}(A)$. We define the derivative of $f$ at $a$ to be $$f'(a) = \lim_{t \to 0}\frac{f(a+t)-f(a)}{t}$$
provided the limit exists.

I know this is probably a pedagogical issue, but why not take this instead as the definition of the derivative of a function?

Best Answer

Because that suggests that there might be functions which are discontinuous at $a$ for which it is still true that the limit$$\lim_{t\to0}\frac{f(a+t)-f(a)}t$$exists. Besides, why add a condition that it always holds?

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