Elementary Number Theory – Why Multiplying Prime Factors Yields Total Divisors

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Suppose we have the number $36$, which can be broken down into ($2^{2}$)($3^{2}$). I understand that adding one to each exponent and then multiplying the results, i.e. $(2+1)(2+1) = 9$, yields how many divisors the number $36$ has. I can make sense of a number which can be expressed as the product of two powers of the same prime, i.e. $343$, because $7^{3}$ allows us to see that: $7$ is a divisor, $7^{2}$ is a divisor, and the always present $1$ and $343$ are divisors, leaving us with a total number of $4$ divisors for $343$. What is the best way to gain intuition behind using this method for a number like $36$?

Best Answer

If $d$ divides $36$, then no prime numbers other than $2$ and $3$ can divide $d$. On the other hand, $36=2^23^2$ and so $d=2^\alpha3^\beta$, with $\alpha,\beta\in\{0,1,2\}$. Since there are three possibilities for $\alpha$ and another $3$ for $\beta$, there are $9(=3\times3)$ possibilities for $d$.

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