Set Theory – Validity of Argument for Axiom of Countable Choice


I am having a little trouble identifying the problem with this argument:

Let $\{A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_n, \ldots\}$ be a sequence of sets.

Let $X:= \{n \in \mathbb{N} : $ there is an element of the set $A_n$ associated to $n \}$

(1) $A_1$ is not empty. Therefore, there exists a $x_1 \in A_1$

(2) Given an $A_n$ (and a $x_n \in A_n$), we have that $A_{n+1}$ is non-empty and, therefore, there exists a $x_{n+1} \in A_{n+1}$

So, by induction, $X=\mathbb{N}$ and the axiom of countable choice is "proven".

Where is the error?

Best Answer

Inductions give you every finite case but not the infinite case. Induction is not "continuous" in this aspect.

Yes, $X=\Bbb N$ and from this follows the fact that every finite subcollection admits a choice function does not imply that you can actually choose from infinitely many sets at once.

Let me give you a ridiculous analogue to your argument, it is ridiculous so you can easily find the mistake there, and I hope that it will help you see your own mistake as well:

"Theorem". The set of natural numbers is finite.

"Proof". Let $X=\{n\in\mathbb N\mid\text{The set }\{k<n\mid k\in\Bbb N\}\text{ is finite}\}$; clearly $0\in X$, and if $n\in X$ then $n+1\in X$.

Therefore $X=\mathbb N$ and so $\Bbb N$ is finite as wanted. $\square\!\!\!\small?$

It is quite obvious what I did wrong here, I showed that every initial segment is finite, but not that the entire collection is finite.

Let's push this one step forward, here is a wrong argument which follows similarly, but its proof is slightly less exaggerated than the one above:

"Theorem". The power set of $\Bbb N$ is countable.

"Proof". Write $\Bbb N=\bigcup [k]$ where $[k]=\{0,\ldots,k-1\}$. Then for every $k$, $\mathcal P([k])$ is finite. Therefore $\mathcal P(\Bbb N)=\bigcup\mathcal P([k])$ is a countable union of finite sets, and so it is countable. $\square\!\!\!\small?$

In here we also proved by induction that every initial segment has a finite power set, but we made a mistake by concluding that the power set of $\Bbb N$ is this union, which if you look closely, does not even contain $\Bbb N$ itself. The mistake here is that we assume that the induction carries over to the limit stage, i.e. we falsely assume that $\sup\{2^n\mid n\in\mathbb N\}=2^{\sup\{n\mid n\in\mathbb N\}}$.