[Math] Why is there no local min for this graph


Graph of $f'(x)$

enter image description here

Supposedly there is no local minimum on the interval (0, 8) for the above graph, but I don't understand why. I thought there were local mins at x = 1 and x = 6.

Best Answer

It sounds like the exercise is asking you to explain that there are no local minima of $f$, providing you with the graph of $f'$. If this interpretation of the exercise is correct, consider that candidates for local extrema of $f$ are at zeros of $f'$. There is one zero of $f'$ in the middle of the picture, but no sign change in $f'$ occurs there, so this is not a local extremum. (Near this point the graph would look something like the graph of $y=-x^3$ near $x=0$.)

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