[Math] Why is there a unique solution to the frog puzzle

mathematical modelingpuzzlerecreational-mathematics

I'm pretty sure this is a trivial question but eh…

The Frog Puzzle is a famous 8th-grade problem (playable here):

$3$ red frogs and $3$ blue frogs are sitting on lily pads, with a spare lily pad in between them. frog puzzle
Frogs can slide onto adjacent lily pads or jump over a frog; frogs can't jump over more than one frog. Frogs can't move backwards.
Can we swap the red frogs with the blue frogs?

It's fairly easy to solve, even for $n$ red frogs and $m$ blue frogs. But I find it very hard to "mathematize" it : should we see the "pond" as an element of $(\mathbb{Z}_3)^7$ ? Then how can we describe the possible moves ?

Unable to translate this into familiar mathematical terms, I'm thereby very puzzled by this… puzzle. In particular, I can't seem to find why is there always a solution, and only one (up to symetry of course), for any number of frogs. I've tried to make it work in Scylab but I'm very rusty in programmation…

All I've managed to prove is that a frog can't jump over a frog of the same color but I'm not sure this will lead somewhere.

Bonus question : is the number of solution equal to the number of empty lily pads?

Best Answer

I have been unable to come up with anything resembling a formal proof, but I have noticed several things that may help someone do so.

  • At each step, you must choose between moving a frog of color $A$ or color $B$. (Fairly obvious, I know, but two frogs of the same color are never both moveable.)

Therefore, let $a$ denote moving the only moveable frog of color $A$ (moving to the right), and let $b$ denote moving the only moveable frog of color $B$ (moving to the left).

  • The number of total moves used in any solution is fixed, and equals $mn + m+n$
  • There are exactly $2$ solutions to any frog problem, as the OP noted
  • If, at any point, two frogs of the same color are in adjacent positions, there is a frog of the other color ahead of them, and the open lilypad is behind them, you have lost.

    • Losing case #1: ... $A$ ... $BB$ ... $\_$ ...
    • Losing case #2: ... $\_$ ... $AA$ ... $B$ ...
  • Using this, it's impossible to ever move $aa$ (if there is a $B$ frog to the right), unless one of the $A$ frogs jumps a $B$ frog.

    • For example, you cannot start the game with $aa$ or $bb$.
    • If you start with $a$, your next move must be $b$. You can do $b$ or $bb$, but $bbb$ would result in the (losing case #1) arrangement $AAA$ ... $BABB\_$ ... $BBB$.
  • Extending this, if you have moved $k$ of your $A$-colored frogs, there are at most $k$ jumps possible for the $B$ frogs, and you cannot make more than $(k+1)$ $b$-type moves consecutively.

  • Stepping through the game case by case, it's pretty easy to manually show that there's one possible choice for the next sequence of moves. (I have no proof for this, but I have not yet found a counterexample).

    • Start: (due to symmetry, two possible moves) \begin{gather} A...AA\_BB...B\\ aa = \mathrm{lose}\\ bb = \mathrm{lose}\\ ab = \mathrm{okay}\\ ba = \mathrm{okay} \end{gather}
    • Suppose we chose to move $ab$ \begin{gather} A...ABA\_B...B\\ aa = \mathrm{lose}\\ bb = \mathrm{lose}\\ ab = \mathrm{lose}\\ ba = \mathrm{okay} \end{gather}
    • We have now moved $abba$ \begin{gather} A...AAB\_BA...B\\ b = \mathrm{lose}\\ aaa = \mathrm{lose}\\ aab = \mathrm{okay}\\ aba = \mathrm{lose}\\ abb = \mathrm{lose} \end{gather}
    • We have now moved $abbaaab$ \begin{gather} A...BA\_ABA...B\\ a = \mathrm{lose}\\ ba = \mathrm{lose}\\ bb = \mathrm{okay} \end{gather}

You get the idea by now, but it shouldn't be too difficult to write an automated prover for small $m$ and $n$.

  • Various Example Solutions:
    • $3$ vs $3$: $abbaaabbbaaabba$
    • $4$ vs $3$: $abbaaabbbaaaabbbaab$
    • $5$ vs $3$: $abbaaabbbaaaaabbbaaabba$
    • $6$ vs $3$: $abbaaabbbaaaaabbbaaaabbbaab$
    • $7$ vs $3$: $abbaaabbbaaaaabbbaaaaabbbaaabba$
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