Cauchy Sequences – Why the Sequence $x(n) = \log n$ is Not Cauchy


I read in the book Applied Analysis by Hunter and Nachtergale that

the sequence $x(n)=\log(n)$ is not Cauchy since $\log(n)\to\infty$

But that seems to be irrelevant to the definition of a Cauchy sequence which I understand is as follows:

A sequence $x(n)$ is said to be Cauchy if for every $\epsilon > 0$ there exists an $N$ such that $\lvert x(m)-x(n)\rvert < \epsilon$ for all $m,n>N$.

This sequence $(\log n)$ seems to meet the definition. So how come it is not considered Cauchy?

Best Answer

Hint. Look at the difference $$ \log(2n) - \log(n) . $$

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