[Math] Why is the Riemann sphere the compactified complex plane


Physicist here, although math inclined but I certainly won't brag about it on a math forum, I am encountering a confusion with the compactification of the complex plane. I am learning conformal field theory in 2d and, as we use conformal map mapping some points to infinity and vice versa, we work on the Riemann sphere defined as $$\hat{\mathbb{C}} = \mathbb{C} \cup \{\infty\}$$
I have a doubt on having only "one infinity" and not seeing it as a full circle whose radius tends to $\infty$. For example compactifying $\mathbb{R}$ means adding the two infinities $\pm \infty$.
Is it because all those infinities could "topologically" connected when one needs to cross all the real axis to go from $+\infty$ to $-\infty$?

Best Answer

The Riemann sphere is not just $\mathbb{C} \cup \{ \infty\}$. It this space endowed with a particular topology. You can think of that topology as arising from adding infinities at the end of some "infinitely large" circle, and then collapsing all those infinities to a point. This perspective is highlighted when considering the stereographic projection of $S^2$ onto $\mathbb{R}^2 $ or $ \mathbb{C}$.

enter image description here

Horizontal circles wrapping around the sphere are mapped to circles in the plane. As we push the circles higher on the Riemann sphere, the corresponding circles in the plane grow. At the north pole, we should have an "infinitely large" circle in the plane, but since the north pole is just a point, that "infinitely large" circle is actually just a point, which we call the point at infinity.

From a technical, point-set topology perspective, this is an instance of the Alexandroff one-point compactification. Another way to view the Riemann sphere is as the complex projective line.

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