[Math] Why is the matrix invertible if its null space is zero

linear algebramatricesvector-spaces

I'm trying to understand the proof of the following statement:

If $A$ has independent columns then $A^TA$ is invertible.

Please keep in mind that these structured are based on real field.

The proof starts with following equation:


Then it is stated, that for $A^TA$ to be invertible, $x$ must be the zero vector.

In other words, for $A^TA$ to be invertible, it's null space must be the zero vector.

I found this answer, but I couldn't completely understand it. The author of the answer defined variables: $A$ being a matrix containing columns of $a_n$, $x$ being a vector containing columns of $(x_n)^T$, and $Ax$ being equal to $0$.

Then it's obvious that $x_na_n=0$, but author states that unless $x_n=0$, the columns will not be linearly independent.

I couldn't understand this. If $A$ has linearly independent columns, then how will it change at all when being multiplied by $x$? Maybe they mean $Ax$, but still even if $x$ is zero vector, isn't $Ax$ just a simple linear combination of $A$ and $x$? (And if that is true then it's definitely not linearly independent).

Best Answer

As stated in the comments, this does not hold in general, but holds if $A$ is a real matrix.

Claim 1: $ker(A) = ker(A^TA)$

$\subseteq$ is clear. To prove the other, let $v \in ker(A^TA)$. Then $0 = \langle v, A^TAv \rangle = ||Av||^2 \iff Av = 0 \iff v \in ker(A)$.

Claim 2: matrix $A$ is invertible iff injective (as a linear map given bases in domain and codomain). Note that for a linear map, or a matrix, $A$, it is injective iff $ker(A) = \{0\}$, i.e. trivial.

So since $ker(A)$ is trivial as A has independent column vectors, $A^TA$ is invertible by claims 1 and 2.