[Math] Why is the magnitude of a Directional Derivative significant


In my multivariable math class we have been assigned a question which asks:

In what direction does W increase most rapidly at P? What is the value of the maximal directional derivative at P? (where W is a continuous, differentiable function and P is a point)

I understand how to find the direction at which W increases most rapidly (the Gradient Vector at P), and how to interpret this, but am confused as to why the value of the maximal directional derivative at P holds any significance – why is the magnitude of a vector which is only useful for its direction of any importance?


Best Answer

The value of the directional derivative in its direction of greatest increase (i.e., as you said, along the direction of the gradient) is just that. It is the rate of change of the function along that direction. This answers the question, 'if I move a tiny bit $\epsilon$ in the direction of greatest increase, how does does the function change?' The answer is it changes by (epsilon)*(the derivative in the direction of greatest increase).

It seems something is confusing you so perhaps a quick recap of the directional derivative is in order. Say to avoid clutter we're considering the derivative at the origin. Then we have the first order Taylor expansion $$ f(\mathbf x) \approx f(\mathbf 0) + \nabla f(\mathbf 0)\cdot\mathbf x$$ where $\nabla f$ is the gradient. Recall that the directional derivative of $f$ in the direction of a unit vector $\hat{\mathbf u}$ is $D_{\hat{\mathbf u}}f = \nabla f\cdot\hat{\mathbf u}.$ Thus if we move a small amount $\epsilon $ in the direction $\hat{\mathbf u}$ from the origin then $\mathbf x = \epsilon\hat{\mathbf u}$ and we have $$ f(\mathbf x)-f(\mathbf 0) = \nabla f\cdot(\epsilon\hat{\mathbf u}) = \epsilon D_{\hat{\mathbf u}}f(0).$$

Why is the gradient the direction of greatest derivative? Well, the derivative is the dot product of the gradient with the direction... of course that's largest when the direction is parallel to the gradient.

And what is the value of the derivative at in this direction? It's just the gradient dotted into the unit vector in the same direction, so it's the magnitude of the gradient. Going a little more explicitly, the direction of maximum increase is $\hat{\mathbf u}_{max} = \frac{\nabla f}{|\nabla f|}$ so we have a maximal derivative $$D_{max} = \nabla f\cdot \hat{\mathbf u}_{max} = \frac{\nabla f\cdot \nabla f}{|\nabla f|} = |\nabla f|. $$ So the magnitude of the gradient represents the rate of change in the direction of greatest increase. And as discussed before, the direction of the gradient is the direction of greatest increase. Thus, both the magnitude and direction have nice interpretations.