Algebraic Topology – Why Identity Map from $S^1$ to $S^1$ is Not Homotopic to Constant Map


Why is the identity map from $S^1$ to $S^1$ not homotpic to the constant map?

I get the picture that if the identity map $id$ is homotopic to the constant map then as the circle transforms through the homotopy it would break. But I cannot come up with a formal proof. Can someone offer a proof without using "contractable"? Here's what we have covered during the class:

  1. Two maps being homotopic to each other
  2. Two space being homotopy equivalent
  3. Quotient space
  4. One-point compactification
  5. What a covering map is, and what path-lifting property is.

Thank you very much.

Best Answer

Embedding in $\mathbb C$, the identity is $z\mapsto z^1$ and the constant map is $z\mapsto 1=z^0$. If $(z\mapsto z^n)\simeq(z\mapsto z^m)$ let $\pi_t:S^1\times I\to S^1$ be such a homotopy with $$\pi_0=(z\mapsto z^n),\pi_1=(z\mapsto z^m).$$ Lift to a homotopy $\bar\pi_t$ of paths in $\mathbb R$ starting at $0$, noting $\bar\pi_0=\bar p_n$ and $\bar\pi_1=\bar p_m$ where $p_i$ is $z\mapsto z^i$. Then $\bar\pi_t(1)$ is independent of $t$, so $$n=\bar\pi_0(1) = \bar\pi_1(1)=m.$$

"Now use $0\neq 1$." This answer uses only elementary properties of covering spaces.

Note: in the last equation, the first and third equalities come from the fact that $n$th power mappings in $S^1$ lift to $s\mapsto ns$ in $\mathbb R$.