[Math] Why is the dot product of perpendicular vectors zero


I've read that taking a dot product is just projecting one vector on the other, so a perpendicular vector will have no components in the other vectors direction. But shouldn't this leave the length unchanged so it has its original magnitude like multiplying it by 1?

Best Answer

To clarify, the projection of $\vec u$ on $\vec v$ is the vector $$\left(\frac{\vec u\cdot \vec v}{\|\vec v\|^2}\right)\vec v = \left(\frac{\vec u\cdot\vec v}{\|\vec v\|}\right)\frac{\vec v}{\|\vec v\|}.$$ The dot product is a scalar quantity. But the length of the projection is always strictly less than the original length unless $\vec u$ is a scalar multiple of $\vec v$.