Algebraic Geometry – Why the Coordinate Ring of a Projective Variety is Not Determined by the Isomorphism Class


I know that there are isomorphic projective varieties which have nonisomorphic coordinate rings, but I'm a little mystified as to "why" this is the case. Why doesn't a usual functoriality proof go through to prove this, and is there any insight into this other than that the definitions just work out this way?

Best Answer

The homogeneous coordinate ring of a projective variety embedded in $\mathbb{P}^n$ is not the "ring of functions" on the variety but actually the direct sum of sections of symmetric powers of some line bundle. The point is that this construction actually depends on the line bundle, and the same variety can have many line bundles which give rise to non-isomorphic rings.

I'm not sure what "a usual functoriality proof" is, but you should find either that you end up proving something about the category of projective varieties together with an embedding or that you can't define the homogeneous coordinate ring at all without a choice of embedding.

I'm not totally comfortable with this answer since I can't claim to have much experience with line bundles, so here's a more straightforward version. First, the reason this issue doesn't come up for affine varieties is that once you have a definition of a morphism of affine varieties, the ring of functions $k[V]$ on an affine variety $V$ really is just the set of morphisms $V \to \mathbb{A}^1(k)$, and this definition is clearly functorial.

The same cannot be said for the homogeneous coordinate ring of a projective variety $V \subset \mathbb{P}^n$. First of all, its elements are not functions on the variety. Quotients of two elements of the same degree do define morphisms rational maps $V \dashrightarrow \mathbb{P}^1$, but you're considering much more than just such quotients. When $V$ is irreducible you might be tempted to replace the ring of functions with the field $k(V)$ of rational functions, but $k(V)$ does not completely capture $V$ (for example it ignores the removal of finitely many points).

After you think about this problem for awhile you should realize that the problem here is that the homogeneous coordinate ring really is defined in terms of the embedding, and so there's no reason to expect it to be independent of the choice of embedding. So next you might look for a definition of projective variety that is independent of the choice of embedding, and then sooner or later you have to start studying schemes.

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