General Topology – Why Pointwise Continuity is Not Useful in General Topological Spaces


On page 27 of Lee's Introduction to Topological Manifolds, he writes

In metric spaces, one usually first defines what it means to be continuous at a point…in topological spaces, continuity at a point is not such a useful

Why not? We can define continuity at a point $x_0$ by the requirement that for all $A \in \mathcal{P}(X), \, x_0\in \overline{A}\implies f(x_0)\in \overline{f(A)}.$

I suppose it's not easy to say why something is not useful, but if anyone has some insight, I'd be glad to hear it.

Best Answer

In a metric space we begin with the $\epsilon$-$\delta$ definition of continuity, which is then globalized by the requirement that the $\epsilon$-$\delta$ holds at every point. This is a natural starting point because from the quantitative $\epsilon$-$\delta$ relation we are led to several related important concepts:

  • uniform continuity
  • Hölder continuity
  • Lipschitz continuity

None of the above related concepts exist in a topological space, where the notion of continuity is not quantifiable.

To define continuity in a topological space we operate not with a pair of nearby points $x_1,x_2$, but with a set of points; thus, the global picture emerges at once. "Preimage of an open set is open", a standard way to define continuity in a topological space, is naturally global. Equivalently, one can state it as "preimage of a closed set is closed". From here, your definition of continuity at a point, $$A \in \mathcal{P}(X), \, x_0\in \overline{A}\implies f(x_0)\in \overline{f(A)}\tag{1}$$ is obtained by localizing a global definition : you have localized the property of "containing all its limit points" by focusing on a particular limit point. As a result, (1) is more contrived than the global definition. If you try to reprove the basic results of point-set topology always using (1) as definition of continuity, you will likely find that the proofs become more cumbersome.

I prefer to read "not such a useful" as "not such a natural"; which however amounts to the same thing.