[Math] Why is it important for a group to be closed under an operation


In my undergrad group theory course, we have seen a lot of groups that are closed under a certain operation. I've also noticed a group now myself in my probability theory course with regards to sigma-fields. My question is why is this property of being closed important? What if a group is not closed? What is the implication of that? I know how to go about proving a particular group is closed but I cannot see the intuition behind it. Can anyone clear this up for me please.

Best Answer

By definition a group is a set $G$ and a map $G \times G \rightarrow G$ such that (...).

So it makes no sense in this context to say "a group is closed" under the operation, this is automatically true. There is no group that "is not closed".

If you have a set $X$ and a set $Y$ such that $X \subseteq Y$ and you can find some operation $p:X \times X \rightarrow Y$, then $(X,p)$ might be a group or not. If you think this "operation" can be used to define a group $(X,p)$ then of course you must prove that $p(x,y) \in X$ for all $x,y$. If this is false, then the group axioms make no sense, there is no reason to check them at all.