[Math] Why is every meromorphic function on $\hat{\mathbb{C}}$ a rational function


I know that an analytic function on $\mathbb{C}$ with a nonessential singularity at $\infty$ is necessarily a polynomial.

Now consider a meromorphic function $f$ on the extended complex plane $\hat{\mathbb{C}}$. I know that $f$ has only finitely many poles, say $z_1,\dots,z_n$ in $\mathbb{C}$. Suppose also that $f$ has a nonessential singularity at $\infty$.

Then if $z_i$ have orders $n_i$, it follows that $\prod(z-z_i)^{n_i}f(z)$ is analytic on $\mathbb{C}$, and has a nonessential singularity at $\infty$, and is thus a polynomial, so $f$ is a rational function.

But I'm curious, what if $f$ doesn't have a singularity at $\infty$, or in fact has an essential singularity at $\infty$ instead? Is $f$ still a rational function?

Best Answer

The exponential function has an essential singularity at $\infty$, but is meromorphic everywhere else -- and is not rational.

On the other hand, if the singularity at $\infty$ is removable, then the proof you sketch still works, and shows that $f$ must be a rational function.

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