[Math] Why is arc length not in the formula for the volume of a solid of revolution

calculusdefinite integralsintegration

I have difficulty understanding the difference between calculating the volume of a solid of revolution, and the surface area of a solid of revolution.

When calculating the volume, using disc integration, I've been taught to reason in the following way: divide the solid into several cylinders of infinitesimal width $dx$. Then each such cylinder has radius $f(x)$ , so its volume is $\pi\cdot f(x)^2~dx$ . Hence the total volume of the solid of revolution is $V=\pi\int_a^b f(x)^2~dx$ .

So when calculating the surface area, I figure I should be able to reason thus: as before, divide the solid into several cylinders, except now calculate the area of each one instead of its volume. This should yield $A=2\pi\int_a^bf(x)~dx$. However, this is the wrong answer. In order to get the proper formula, I need to replace $dx$ with the arc length, which is $\sqrt{1+f'(x)^2}~dx$ .

My question is: why is this the case? There's no need to use arc length when calculating volume, so why does it show up when calculating area?

Best Answer

One way to gain the intuition behind this is to look at what happens in 2 dimensions. Here, rather than surface area and volume, we look at arc length and area under the curve. When we want to find the area under the curve, we estimate using rectangles. This is sufficient to get the area in a limit; one way to see why this is so is that both the error and the estimate are 2-dimensional, and so we aren't missing any extra information.

However, the analogous approach to approximating arc length is obviously bad: this would amount to approximating the curve by a sequence of constant steps (i.e. the top of the rectangles in a Riemann sum) and the length of this approximation is always just the length of the domain. Essentially, we are using a 1-dimensional approximation (i.e. only depending on $x$) for a 2-dimensional object (the curve), and so our approximation isn't taking into account the extra length coming from the other dimension. This is why the arc length is computed using a polygonal approximation by secants to the curve; this approximation incorporates both change in $x$ and change in $y$.

Why is this relevant to solids of revolution? Well, in essence, the volume and surface area formulae are obtained by simply rotating the corresponding 2-dimensional approximation rotated around an axis, and taking a limit. If it wouldn't work in 2 dimensions, it certainly won't work in 3 dimensions.

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