Infinite Series – Why It Is Not Considered an Infinite Sum of Terms


According to, for example, this excellent page on beginner calculus, an infinite series is NOT an infinite sum of terms.* I'm not even sure what that's asserting.

I think an infinite series is an infinite number of terms that are added together. I also think you can call it the limit of its partial sum $S_n$ as $n \to \infty$ but I'm not sure if or how those two ideas conflict.

Does the infinite sum of terms 'equal' the limit of a series' partial sum, and if not why not?

*To quote: "We do have to be careful with this however. This implies that an infinite series is just an infinite sum of terms and as we’ll see in the next section this is not really true." I looked at the next section and I still don't get what they're saying.

Best Answer

The operation of addition is a binary operation: it is an operation defined on pairs of real (or complex) numbers. When we write something like $a+b+c$, apparently adding three numbers, we’re really doing repeated addition of two numbers, either $(a+b)+c$ or $a+(b+c)$ (assuming that we don’t change the order of the terms); one of the basic properties of this operation is that it doesn’t actually matter in which order we do these repeated binary additions, because they all yield the same result.

It’s easy enough to understand what it means to do two successive additions to get $a+b+c$, or $200$ to get $a_0+a_1+\ldots+a_{200}$; it’s not so clear what it means to do infinitely many of them to get $\sum_{k\ge 0}a_k$. The best way that’s been found to give this concept meaning is to define this sum to be the limit of the finite partial sums:

$$\sum_{k\ge 0}a_k=\lim_{n\to\infty}\sum_{k=0}^na_k\tag{1}$$

provided that the limit exists. For each $n$ the summation inside the limit on the righthand side of $(1)$ is an ordinary finite sum, the result of performing $n$ ordinary binary additions. This is always a meaningful object. The limit may or may not exist; when it does, it’s a meaningful object, too, but it’s the outcome of a new kind of operation. It is not the result of an infinite string of binary additions; we don’t even try to define such a thing directly. Rather, we look at finite sums, which we can define directly from the ordinary binary operation of addition, and then take their limit. In doing this we combine an algebraic notion, addition, with an analytic notion, that of taking a limit.

Finite sums like $a_0+\ldots+a_{200}$ all behave the same way: they always exist, and we can shuffle the terms as we like without changing the sum. Infinite series do not behave the same way: $\sum_{n\ge 0}a_n$ does not always exist, and shuffling the order of the terms can in some cases change the value. This really is a new operation, with different properties.