[Math] Why is abstract algebra so important


In my studies of physics and mathematics, I have encountered a fair bit of geometry, Lie group and representation theory, and real and complex analysis and I understand why these branches of mathematics are important.
But I have learned very few applications of ring theory or other abstract algebra outside abstract algebra itself (save a few in number theory). At the same time, I believe it is considered vital for any aspiring mathematician to learn graduate level abstract algebra.

Why is abstract algebra considered to be so important?
Examples of applications outside abstract algebra and outside mathematics would be appreciated.

To narrow the scope of the question down a bit, I am specifically asking about the theory of rings, fields, etc. I realize that the term 'abstract algebra' is a bit broader than what I intended.

Best Answer

Abstract algebra has an interesting way of making a problem more transparent by forgetting about superfluous properties. I'll give some real world applications to illustrate:

Let's say you're a physicist studying the motion of a moving particle modeled by some differential equation. To find solutions to such an equation, one typically takes the Fourier transform and solves a corresponding algebraic problem. The Fourier transform is essentially allowing us to see past the complexity of arising from taking derivatives to illuminate an underlying algebraic problem.

As another example, lets say you are studying the effects of a gravitational field in a certain area of spacetime. Particles which travel through this area are subject to the curvature of spacetime induced by the gravitational field. Again this situation is extremely complicated. However, We can reduce the problem to an algebraic problem locally. That is, we use the tangent bundle and a smoothly varying metric to describe its motion.

Another example dates all the way back to Descartes. Geometric shapes are hard to understand, but imposing coordinates on such objects allows us to use algebraic techniques to understand the object better.

Anomolies in physics arise as elements of cohomology groups. Without the notion of a group, they would be very hard to calculate. You may not even know where to start.

The bottom line is, we know how to do algebra. It is the ability to translate of difficult problems into algebraic ones that makes it so useful.

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