Combinatorics – Why are General Leibniz Rule and Newton’s Binomial Similar?


The binomial expansion:

$$(x+y)^{n} = \sum_{k=0}^{n} \binom{n}{k} x^k y^{n-k}$$

The General Leibniz rule (used as a generalization of the product rule for derivatives):

$$(fg)^{(n)} = \sum_{k=0}^{n} \binom{n}{k} f^{(k)} g^{(n-k)}$$

Both formulas can be obtained simply by induction; Newton's binomial also has a combinatorial proof (here's the relevant wikipedia page).
It's striking how these formulas are similar; is there a possible connection between them?
I was thinking that maybe the General Leibniz rule could be obtained using a combinatorial argument as well (hence the binomial coefficients)…

Best Answer

Here's one combinatorial way to look at both formulas.

For the first one, let $M$ be the operator which eats a polynomial $f(x,y)$ and returns the polynomial $(x+y)f(x,y)$. Note $M$ is linear, since multiplication is distributive. We want to start with $1$, apply $M$ $n$ times, and see what we get. The point is that $M$ sends any monomial $x^r y^s$ to a sum of two related ones: $$M : x^r y^s \to x^{r+1}y^s + x^r y^{s+1}.$$

Therefore, $(x+y)^n$ enumerates paths from the top of the following diagram to the bottom row; the coefficient of $x^k y^{n-k}$ is the number of paths from $1$ to $x^k y^{n-k}$, but that's $\binom nk$ since any path is a sequence of $n$ left/right choices, and you have to go left $k$ times and right $n-k$ times.

$$\matrix{ &&&&&&1\\ &&&&&\swarrow&&\searrow\\ &&&&x&&&&y\\ &&&\swarrow&&\searrow&&\swarrow&&\searrow\\ &&x^2&&&&xy&&&&y^2\\ &&&&\dots&&\dots&&\dots\\ &\swarrow&&\searrow&&\swarrow&&\searrow&&\swarrow&&\searrow\\ x^n&&&&x^{n-1}y&&\dots&&xy^{n-1}&&&&y^n }$$

For the second formula, $D$ is the derivative operator; we would like to apply it $n$ times to the product $f g$. Notice that $D$ acts nicely on $f^{(r)}g^{(s)}$: $$D : f^{(r)}g^{(s)}\to f^{(r+1)}g^{(s)}+f^{(r)}g^{(s+1)}.$$

So $(fg)^{(n)}$ enumerates paths from the top of the following diagram to the bottom row. $$\matrix{ &&&&&&f^{(0)}g^{(0)}\\ &&&&&\swarrow&&\searrow\\ &&&&f^{(1)}g^{(0)}&&&&f^{(0)}g^{(1)}\\ &&&\swarrow&&\searrow&&\swarrow&&\searrow\\ &&f^{(2)}g^{(0)}&&&&f^{(1)}g^{(1)}&&&&f^{(0)}g^{(2)}\\ &&&&\dots&&\dots&&\dots\\ &\swarrow&&\searrow&&\swarrow&&\searrow&&\swarrow&&\searrow\\ f^{(n)}g^{(0)}&&&&f^{(n-1)}g^{(1)}&&\dots&&f^{(1)}g^{(n-1)}&&&&f^{(0)}g^{(n)} }$$

Same graph, same numbers of paths, same coefficients.

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