[Math] Why first fundamental form


Here is an excerpt from the notes we are using:

The first fundamental form dictates how one computes dot products of vectors
tangent to the surface assuming they are expanded according to the basis $\frac{\partial q}{\partial u},\frac{\partial q}{\partial v}$.

In particular, we see that while the metric coefficients depend on our parametrization,
the dot product $\text{I} (X, Y )$ of two tangent vectors remains the same if we change

I assume that first fundamental form is really a map from $T_pM \times T_pM\to \text{R}$, but I don't understand what the first part is talking about. Why would we need a matrix to tell us how to perform dot products? I mean, suppose we have vectors $<a,b,c>$ and $<d,e,f>$, we just multiply them term by term, isn't that correct? There is a calculation in the notes, showing that $\text{I}(X,Y)=X \cdot Y$, that even made me more confused.

Best Answer

$\newcommand{\Reals}{\mathbf{R}}\newcommand{\dd}{\partial}$If you have a surface embedded in $\Reals^{3}$, you can (as you note) use the "ambient" Euclidean inner product to take dot products of tangent vectors. However, that's mild overkill; in order to take dot products of tangent vectors to a surface, all you really need is the first fundamental form.

If $$ E = \left\langle\frac{\dd q}{\dd u}, \frac{\dd q}{\dd u}\right\rangle,\quad F = \left\langle\frac{\dd q}{\dd u}, \frac{\dd q}{\dd v}\right\rangle,\quad G = \left\langle\frac{\dd q}{\dd v}, \frac{\dd q}{\dd v}\right\rangle, $$ and if $$ v = a_{1}\, \frac{\dd q}{\dd u} + a_{2}\, \frac{\dd q}{\dd v},\qquad w = b_{1}\, \frac{\dd q}{\dd u} + b_{2}\, \frac{\dd q}{\dd v}, $$ i.e., if $v = (a_{1}, a_{2})$ and $w = (b_{1}, b_{2})$ with respect to the coordinate basis fields, then $$ \langle v, w\rangle = a_{1} b_{1} E + (a_{1} b_{2} + a_{2} b_{1}) F + a_{2} b_{2} G. $$ That's the content of the first paragraph of your excerpt. The second paragraph asserts that $\langle v, w\rangle$ is independent of the choice of local coordinates. This is in some sense "obvious" if you know you have a surface embedded in $\Reals^{3}$, but it's surprising if you think of the first fundamental form as "extra structure" imposed on an open set in $\Reals^{2}$, i.e., in a coordinate neighborhood.

Remarkably, there's non-trivial "intrinsic" geometry of a surface captured by its first fundamental form, even though the first fundamental form doesn't uniquely determine an embedding of the surface in $\Reals^{3}$.