Abstract Algebra – Why Associativity Check is Not Needed for a Subgroup


The textbooks I read say that it's obvious that associativity follows in a subgroup, but it doesn't explain why (since it's not obvious to me). We still have to check for closure under the operation, the identity element, and the inverse, but why does associativity immediately follow for a subgroup just because the group itself has it?

Best Answer

The associativity property is an algebraic identity that the group operation has to satisfy: $(ab)c=a(bc)$. Whether this identity is true for three fixed elements $a$, $b$, and $c$ does not depend on what set I put them in.

The other properties you mentioned are fundamentally different from associativity because they assert the existence of an object in the subgroup:

  1. The identity axiom means there exists an element in the subgroup that is the identity.
  2. The inverse axiom means there exists an inverse for every element in the subgroup.
  3. The closure axiom means if two elements are in the group then their product exists in the subgroup.