[Math] Why does there seem to be so much error in the laws of sines and cosines


I've been computing the angles of a triangle with sides a = 17, b = 6 and c = 15 using the law of cosines to find the first angle and then the law of sines to find the other 2. I follow the convention of naming the angles opposite these sides A, B and C respectively. Here are my results:

$ C = \arccos( \frac {6^2+17^2-15^2}{2(6)(17)}) = 60.647$ degrees to 3 d.p.

$ B = \arcsin( \frac {6 \sin C}{15}) = 20.405$ degrees to 3 d.p.

$ A = \arcsin( \frac {17 \sin B}{6}) = 81.051$ degrees to 3 d.p.

Clearly, adding these should give $180$ degrees, but it gives 162 degrees to 3 s.f. Assuming I haven't made any mistakes, the error seems quite high and I'm just wondering if anyone knows why this is? It seems high enough to challenge the validity of the laws.

Best Answer

OK, I did the Law of Cosines 3 times and came up with 60.647 , 20.404 and 98.949 respectively for angles A, B and C. Remember, the Law of Cosines does not have an ambiguous case, unlike the Law of Sines. I suspect (without further investigating) that his may be the culprit. My advice: Always use the Law of Cosines whenever you can. In this case, when all sides are known, clearly a case for Law of Cosines

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