[Math] Why does the fact that “$Tv$ is orthogonal to $v$ for all $v$ implies T is the zero operator” break down for real inner product spaces

complex-analysisinner-productslinear algebraproof-explanation

Here's the awkwardly named theorem 7.14 (for which I can't think of a good name either) appearing in Axler's Linear Algebra Done Right, 3rd edition, p 210:

Theorem 7.14

The proof is algebraic, and I can't glean from it any intuition about why this theorem breaks down over $\mathbf{R}$, as the author claimed. What's so special about $\mathbf{C}$ that allows an inner product to be written in the above form, which seems impossible for the inner product over $\mathbf{R}$?

I would also appreciate alternative (and more "intuitive", or perhaps elementary) proofs for this result.

Best Answer

One geometric answer is the somewhat surprising fact that rotation is essentially 2-dimensional. We're used to thinking, in 3-space, of "rotation about an axis," but it might be wiser to say "rotation in a plane". In 4-space, for instance, we have the rotation $$ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & &&\\ 0 & 1 & & &\\ & & c & -s \\ & & s & c \end{bmatrix} $$ where $s$ and $c$ are the sine and cosine of some angle. But this rotation fixes both the $x$- and the $y$-axis so it doesn't have 'an axis'; in fact, for every dimension, any rotation can be written as the product of such "rotations in a plane" (although this takes a little proving).

Now in the complex case, such a rotation in a plane is not so much a rotation as a uniform-scale by a complex constant $\gamma = c + is$ of modulus 1. The very notion of complex inner product says, for instance, that $1$ and $i$ are no longer perpendicular, for $$ <1, i> = 1 \cdot (-i) = -i \ne 0. $$

So while you used to "have room" to put $T(u)$ someplace orthogonal to $u$ (in the real case), you no longer do in the complex one, or at least there aren't enough different and unentangled places to do so, which is what Axler's proof shows: you can't make $u \pm w$ and $u \pm iw$ all map to things that'll be perpendicular to them.

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