[Math] Why does the differential solid angle have a $\sin\theta$ term in integration in spherical coordinates

integrationsolid anglespherical coordinates

When you integrate in spherical coordinates, the differential element isn't just $ \mathrm d\theta \,\mathrm d\phi $. No. It's $\sin\theta \,\mathrm d\theta \,\mathrm d\phi$, where $\theta$ is the inclination angle and $\phi$ is the azimuthal angle.

For example, attempting to integrate the unit sphere without the $\sin\theta$ term:

\int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^{\pi} \mathrm d\theta \,\mathrm d\phi = 2 \pi^2.

With the $\sin\theta$ term you get

\int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^{\pi} \sin\theta \,\mathrm d\theta \,\mathrm d\phi = 4 \pi.

But I'm puzzled why you need to multiply the differential solid angle by $\sin\theta$. It would seem it's because the chunks at the north/south pole are "worth less" than the chunks at the equator. That kind of makes sense because they will be closer together.

Best Answer

You can see need for the $\sin\phi$ factor by comparing the actual area on a globe with the apparent area in the Equirectangular projection. Each square of the projection represents the same change in $\theta$ and in $\phi$ and maps to a curved quadrilateral on the globe. The closer to the poles (where $\phi = 0, \pi$), the smaller the area on the globe; roughly it is proportional to $\sin\phi$, keeping in mind that the latitude measurement differs from $\phi$ by a right angle.

enter image description here

maps to

enter image description here

Equal changes in $\phi$ represent the same distance on a (spherical) globe, but equal changes in $\theta$ (longitude) represent distances proportional to $\sin\phi$, which you can prove by finding the radius of a circle of latitude that goes around around a pole (as pointed out by @Alex).

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