Complex Numbers – Why Mandelbrot Set Boundary Contains a Cardioid

complex numbersfractals

In a comment to a previous answer it has been mentioned that the boundary of the Mandelbrot set contains the cardioid
c = e^{it} \, \frac{2 – e^{it}}{4}
but how can we prove this?

Best Answer

The cardioid is the boundary of the set of $c$s for which the iteration of $$ z\mapsto z^2+c $$ has an attractive fixpoint.

Given $c$ we can find the fixpoints easily by solving a quadratic equation, and we get $$ z_* = \frac{1\pm\sqrt{1-4c}}2 $$ From the general theory of iterated systems, we know that the fixpoint is attractive if $\left|\frac d{dz}(z^2+c) \right| < 1$ at $z_*$, which works out to $|z_*|<\frac12$. Thus we ought to find the boundary of the area in question by equating $z_*$ to $\frac12 e^{it}$. From $$ \frac12 e^{it} = \frac{1\pm\sqrt{1-4c}}{2} $$ a bit of simple algebra will give you $$ c = e^{it}\frac{\pm2-e^{it}}4 $$ as claimed. (And the solution with $\pm2=-2$ just corresponds to taking $e^{i(t+\pi)}$ instead).

Knowing that the boundary of "the area where the iteration has an attractive fixpoint" is included in the boundary of the entire Mandelbrot set is more involved, and I don't know how to prove that.