[Math] Why does the Axiom of Selection solve Russell’s Paradox in Set Theory


I am a beginner in mathematics and I was reading a text on Set Theory that talked about how Zermelo's Axiom of Selection "solves" Russel's Paradox.

I understand that the the axiom does not allow constructions of the form
$$\{x \:: \text S(x) \}$$ and only allows$$\{x \in \text A \:: \text S(x) \}$$
but how does this change the outcome of the paradox when we have:
$$S = \{x \in \text A \:: \text x \notin \text x \}$$ where $S$ is still the set of all sets that do not contain themselves.

Won't we still get the paradox?

Best Answer

Axiom of regularity (or Foundation) rules out the case $S\in S$.

Otherwise, we would have $S\notin S$. Now does this imply $S\in S$?

The problem with Russel's paradox is it implicitly implies existence of universal set ("set of all sets").

If $A$ is a set and $S=\{x\in A:x\notin x\}$, $S\notin S$ implies either $S\in S$ or $S\notin A$.

In case of Russell's paradox, it is not possible to have $S\notin A$, because $S$ must belong to set of all sets, if that existed, and leads us to paradox $S \in S$. But with our construction such set cannot exist (exactly because existence of such set leads us to Russell's paradox). So paradox does not arise.

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