[Math] Why does span require having a pivot in each row

linear algebra

Why does span require having a pivot in each row? Is there is a row with all zeroes, doesn't that mean there is at least one solution, meaning that the columns in the matrix do span? Thank you.

Best Answer

Here's what I think you're asking:

Why is it true that the columns of an $m \times n$ matrix $A$ span $\Bbb R^m$ only if the reduced row echelon form of $A$ has a pivot in every row?

This question can be answered as follows. First, note that the statement "the columns of $A$ span $\Bbb R^m$" is equivalent to the statement "the equation $Ax = b$ has a solution $x \in \Bbb R^n$ for every $b \in \Bbb R^m$". Remember also that the point of row-reduction is to make solving systems of equations easier. In particular: suppose that $R$ is the row-reduced form of $A$, and that applying these row operations to $b$ produces the vector $c$. Then the equations $$ Ax = b, \qquad Rx = c $$ have exactly the same solutions. So, $Ax = b$ will have a solution for every $b$ if and only if $Rx = c$ has a solution for every $c$. However, if $R$ has a final row with only zeros, then the last row of the equation $Rx = c$ will look like $$ 0x_1 + 0x_2 + \cdots + 0x_n = c_m $$ which will only have a solution if $c_m = 0$. So, $Rx = c$ can only have a solution for every $c$ if $R$ does not have a row of zeros. So, $Rx = c$ can only have a solution for every $c$ if $R$ has a pivot in every row. So, $Ax = b$ can only have a solution for every $b$ if $R$ has a pivot in every row. So, the columns of $A$ will span $\Bbb R^m$ only if $R$ (the reduced form of $A$) has a pivot in every row.