Abstract Algebra – Why Group Solvability Suggests Polynomial Solutions


I watched a few videos about the solvability of a general quintic in radicals and I'm somewhat confused about a few concepts. My main confusion lies in the following definition;

$\textbf{Def}:$ Solvable group

A group $G$ is said to be solvable if it has a subnormal series
$$ G_0 \triangleleft G_{1} \triangleleft \cdots \triangleleft G_{n-1} \triangleleft G_n$$
with $G_n = G$ and $G_0 = \left\lbrace e\right\rbrace$ such that each successive quotient group $G_i/G_{i-1}$ is abelian.

Why is the notion of "solvability" attached to this property?

More precisely, if I have a polynomial $p(x) \in F[x]$ with $F$ a field and Galois Group $\operatorname{Gal}(p)$, in an "explain it like I'm stupid"-sense, what is it about $\operatorname{Gal}(p)$ having these seemingly arbitrary properties that forces $p$ to have solutions in radicals?

Best Answer

If the Galois group $ G $ of a finite Galois extension $ L/K $ where $ K $ has characteristic $ 0 $ is solvable, then letting $ n = [L:K] $, we may adjoin a primitive $ n $th root of unity $ \zeta_n $ to $ K $ to get the extension $ L(\zeta_n)/K(\zeta_n) $. This extension is also Galois, and its Galois group $ G' $ embeds into $ G $ by restricting automorphisms to $ L $. Since subgroups of solvable groups are solvable, it follows that $ G' $ is also solvable. Now, by first refining the composition series so that each successive quotient is cyclic, and then converting this into a chain of subfields by Galois correspondence, we get a chain

$$ K(\zeta_n) = L_0 < L_1 < L_2 \ldots < L_k = L(\zeta_n) $$

where each extension $ L_{i+1}/L_i $ is Galois with cyclic Galois group, and degree dividing $ n $. By Kummer theory, such extensions are obtained by adjoining the $ n $th root of some element in the ground field (this is why we adjoined $ \zeta_n $ before going through with this argument), thus each extension $ L_{i+1}/L_i $ is a simple radical extension, and the extension $ L(\zeta_n)/K(\zeta_n) $ is a radical extension. Since $ K(\zeta_n)/K $ is also a radical extension, it follows that $ L $ lies in some radical extension of $ K $. The converse direction is similar.

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