[Math] why does double rounding 9.46 give 10 but “regular” rounding gives 9

arithmeticreal numbersself-learning

What's the correct way to round, or estimate, a number to a specified precision?

Starting with wikipedia:

Rounding a number twice in succession to different precisions, with
the latter precision being coarser, is not guaranteed to give the same
result as rounding once to the final precision except in the case of
directed rounding. For instance rounding 9.46 to one decimal gives
9.5, and then 10 when rounding to integer using rounding half to even, but would give 9 when rounded to integer directly.


That just makes no sense to me. What's the justification for different results? If 9.46 rounds to 9.5 why doesn't it then round to 10?


I didn't ask the question correctly. The question, I think and hope I mean to ask, is why, or how, perhaps, double rounding and regular rounding can give different results (using half to even), and I suppose the answer is that there are different rounding algorithms which give different results.

I was thinking there should be one, correct answer as to what 9.46 rounded to the nearest integer rounds to. Double rounding, apparently, gives ten while "regular" rounding gives 9. Guess it just seems odd or weird to me to not double round.

Best Answer

That's exactly what Wikipedia is saying:

As you note: If you round first to one decimal place, then $9.46$ first rounds to $9.5$. If you round then to the nearest integer, it rounds to $10$.

But if you round $9.46$ directly to the nearest integer, then since $0.46 < 0.5$, $9.46$ rounds to $9$.

The point of the Wikipedia article is to show that rounding successively, first to one decimal place, and then to the nearest integer, can yield different results than rounding directly to the nearest integer, in this case.

Another way to look at why, when rounding directly from $9.46$ to the nearest integer results in $9$, note the following:

The "distance" of $9.46$ from $10$ is $.54$. The "distance" of $9.46$ from $9$ is only $.46$. So $9.46$ is closer to $9$ than it is to $10$. So, when rounding directly to the nearest integer, $9.46$ rounds to $9$.

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