[Math] Why does an exponential function eventually get bigger than a quadratic

algebra-precalculusexponential functionquadratics

I have seen the answer to this question and this one.

My $7$th grade son has this question on his homework:

How do you know an exponential expression will eventually be larger than any quadratic expression?

I can explain to him for any particular example such as $3^x$ vs. $10 x^2$ that he can just try different integer values of $x$ until he finds one, e.g. $x=6$. But, how can a $7$th grader understand that it will always be true, even $1.0001^x$ will eventually by greater than $1000 x^2$? They obviously do not know the Binomial Theorem, derivatives, Taylor series, L'Hopital's rule, Limits, etc,

Note: that is the way the problem is stated, it does not say that the base of the exponential expression has to be greater than $1$. Although for base between $0$ and $1$, it is still true that there exists some $x$ where the exponential is larger than the quadratic, the phrase "eventually" makes it sound like there is some $M$ where it is larger for all $x>M$. So, I don't like the way the question is written.

Best Answer

If you have a quadratic polynomial $f(x)$ and an exponential function $b(x) = b^x$ where $b>1$, you can show that $b(x)$ surpasses the polynomial by showing that eventually the growth rate of $b(x)$ exceeds the polynomials growth rate.

Since the polynomial's leading term has the biggest effect when $x$ grows very big, that means that the other terms don't matter, so let $f(x) = ax^2$ for an $a>0$. Now, compute the ratio between $f(x+1)$ and $f(x)$: $$ \frac{f(x+1)}{f(x)} = \frac{a(x+1)^2}{ax^2} = \left(\frac{x+1}{x}\right)^2 \, . $$ As you can see, as $x$ grows very big, that ratio between $x+1$ and $x$ grows close to $1$, thus $f(x+1)$ barely increases from $f(x)$ because it is being multiplied by a number close to $1$. Now analyze the ratio between $b(x+1)$ and $b(x)$. By definition, the exponential function multiplies by its base $b$ evey time you increase by $1$, so the ratio between $b(x+1)$ and $b(x)$ is always $b$. However, we stated already that $b>1$. We also found out that $f(x)$ ratio approaches $1$ as $x$ gets really big. Thus, there is a point when $b(x)$ ratio exceeds $f(x)$ ratio, which means that $b(x)$ will start growing faster than $f(x)$ and will eventually outgrow $f(x)$.

Note that I just used terminology like approach and really big because a $7$th grader would not know of limits, so don't nitpick that.

Secondary note: I said $a>0$ and $b>1$ because I assumed that both of the functions would be traveling upwards as you moved right along the $x$-axis.

If you want a downward-facing parabola with $a<0$ and a downward-facing exponential with $0<b<1$, then you can just note that the exponential will just tend towards $0$ when $x$ gets very big, but the quadratic will eventually go below zero if it is facing downwards, thus showing that the exponential will eventually become greater then the quadratic.