Fractions – Why Do We Miss 8 in the Decimal Expansion of 1/81 and 98 in 1/9801?


Why do we miss $8$ in the decimal expansion of $1/81$, and $98$ in the decimal expansion of $1/9801$? I've seen this happen that when you divide in a fraction using the square of any number with only nines in the denominator. Like in
\frac{1}{9^2}=\frac{1}{81} =
and in
\frac{1}{99^2}=\frac{1}{9801} =
0.0001020304050607080910111213 \dots 9697\!\underset{\uparrow}{}\!99000102 \dots\;\,,
the decimals go on predictably when suddenly in the first one you miss $8$, and in the second you miss $98$ and it keeps going on forever. How does this happen? Why do we miss numbers like $8$ in the decimal representation of $\frac{1}{9^2},$ or like $98$ in the decimal of $\frac{1}{99^2},$ or $998$ in $\frac{1}{999^2},$ or $9998$ in $\frac{1}{9999^2}\;$?

Best Answer

For $\frac{1}{81}$, there was an $8$, but it got bumped up. We can write $\frac{1}{81}$ as this sum:

$$ \large{\frac{1}{81}}=\;\;\;\small \begin{align} &0.0 \\+\;&0.01 \\+\;&0.002 \\+\;&0.0003 \\+\;&0.00004 \\+\;&0.000005 \\+\;&0.0000006 \\+\;&0.00000007 \\+\;&0.000000008 \\+\;&0.0000000009 \\+\;&0.00000000010 \\+\;&0.000000000011 \\+\;&\underline{\quad\vdots\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad} \\ &0.01234567901 \dots \end{align} $$

This kind of effect of "carrying the $1$" when the nine digit flips to a ten is the thing that is causing the behavior in all of the fractions you are describing.

To follow-up, this should provide a bit more insight as to why interesting patterns appear in the decimal representations of fractions with a power of $9$ or $11$ as the denominator, and see why we can write those numbers like $\frac{1}{81}$ as that sum. First note that $$ \frac{1}{9} = \left( \frac{1}{10}+ \frac{1}{100}+ \frac{1}{1000}+ \dotsb \right) $$ so if we were to consider $\frac{1}{81}$ like before, we would have $$ \frac{1}{81} = \left(\frac{1}{9}\right)^2 = \left( \frac{1}{10}+ \frac{1}{100}+ \frac{1}{1000}+ \dotsb \right)^2 $$ Then if we were to want to know the value of the ten-thousandth's decimal place of $\frac{1}{81}$, we would just have to find the numerator of the term in the expansion of this square with a denominator of $10\,000$, which we can readily see is $$\begin{align} \frac{1}{81} = \Big( \dotsb + \Bigg(\Big(\frac{1}{10}\Big)\Big(\frac{1}{1000}\Big)+\Big(\frac{1}{100}\Big)&\Big(\frac{1}{100}\Big)+\Big(\frac{1}{1000}\Big)\Big(\frac{1}{10}\Big)\Bigg) +\dotsb \Big) \\ = \Big( \dotsb + \Bigg(\frac{3}{10000}&\Bigg) +\dotsb \Big) \end{align}$$

So it looks like these evident patterns that appear in the decimal expansions of fraction with a multiple of $9$ in the denominator is due at least partly to the fact that this infinite sum representation of $\frac{1}{9}$ consists entirely of terms with a numerator of $1$, so multiplying this sum into things may result in "predictable" behavior that results in a pattern.

As for why having a multiple of $11$ in the denominator makes similar patterns, note that $$\begin{align} \frac{1}{11} &= .090909090909090909 \dots \\ &= \left(\frac{9}{100}+\frac{9}{10000}+\dotsb\right) \\ &= \left(\frac{10-1}{100}+\frac{10-1}{10000}+\dotsb\right) \\ &= \left(\frac{1}{10}-\frac{1}{100}+\frac{1}{1000}-\frac{1}{10000}+\dotsb\right) \end{align}$$ So again we have an infinite sum of terms each with a numerator of $1$ (just alternating sign this time) that will result in certain "predictable" patterns when multiplied by things.

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