[Math] Why do we divide values to count permutations with repeated letters


My question is why we divide values in permutations in case of repetition of words

Like if we have to arrange the word "coffee" in different ways then my answer will be 6!/2!x2! (i know the complete formula). i cant understand why we divide in case of repetitions of word. please clarify.


Best Answer

The purpose of dividing is to reverse a multiplication which has taken place, which should not have taken place.

Generally, the multiplication "should not" have taken place because two outcomes are not "distinct", i.e. they are the same.

For example if I ask how many distinct ways two coins can turn out, you will say there are 2 ways for the first coin, and 2 ways for the second so the answer is $2\times2=4$.

However if I then tell you that one of the coins is a double-headed coin, you now know that the 2nd multiplication by 2 is in error, as there is only one distinct way that coin can turn out. So you divide by $2$ to give your answer $\frac{4}{2}=2$.

In this example it's obvious the answer is two but sometimes when you write out a solution it's easier to multiply all the possibilities first and then divide to "uncount" the ones that aren't distinct.