[Math] Why do we define the modulus of a complex number as we do

complex numbersreal-analysis

For a complex number $z = a+bi$, we say that its modulus is: $$|z|=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$$

When we draw complex numbers in the Argand diagram, intuitively, this makes sense.
But if we used a different projection for the diagram (i.e. a different metric for distance) then it wouldn't necessarily. Of course, complex numbers can also be written as:

$$z = re^{i\theta} = r(\cos\theta +i\sin\theta)$$

so an equivalent question could be, if this is what we define, why we define that:

$$|e^{i\theta}| = |\cos\theta + i\sin\theta| = 1$$

for all values of $\theta$, rather than just $\theta = n\pi$.

The answer may simply be that it is convenient to work with this definition. But is there a deeper reason? Are there any problems for which it is convenient to define things differently? And what would be the consequences if we did things differently?

Best Answer

As CyclotomicField points out, it is a very convenient definition: regardless of whether we give it a name, the map $(a+bi)\mapsto \sqrt{a^2+b^2}$ comes up frequently.

However, we can indeed give an "intrinsic" motivation: there are a few basic assumptions which, when combined, identify the standard definition of modulus uniquely.

  • First, we have a "positivity" axiom: we want $\vert x\vert\ge 0$ for all $x$ and we want $\vert x\vert=0$ iff $x=0$.

  • Next, we have an "algebraic" axiom: thinking of a complex number as a unit vector scaled by a number (its modulus), we want the modulus function to be multiplicative: $\vert x\vert\vert y\vert$ should equal $\vert xy\vert$. Moreover, (real) scalar multiplication should play with the norm in the obvious way: $\vert \alpha x\vert=\vert\alpha\vert\vert x\vert$ (where the first "$\vert\cdot\vert$" refers to the usual absolute value function on $\mathbb{R}$); if you like, you can think of this as saying that the complex modulus should agree with the real modulus on real numbers.

  • Finally, we have a "topological" axiom: we want the map $\mathbb{C}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}:x\mapsto\vert x\vert$ to be continuous.

This turns out to be enough to identify the standard modulus function! The positivity and algebraic axioms alone tell us that $\vert 1\vert=1$ (since it must be nonzero yet equal to its square), and in turn that $\vert -1\vert=1$ (since it must be a nonnegative square root of $\vert 1\vert=1$), and in turn that $\vert i\vert=1$ (since it must be a nonnegative square root of $\vert-1\vert=1$), and so forth. In fact, this shows that $\vert e^{i\theta}\vert=1$ whenever $\theta$ is a rational multiple of $\pi$. And then the topological axiom finishes things off: by continuity we must have $\vert e^{i\theta}\vert=1$ for every $\theta$, and thinking about scalar multiplication pins down the value of $\vert x\vert$ for all $x\in\mathbb{C}$.

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