[Math] Why do they call it base 10


Now, I know intuitively why it's called base 10: because there's 10 numbers.

But see here's the thing, if we're working with numbers 0-9 (and of course we are), we use up our numerical artillery at 9. Why isn't it called base 9?

If it's because 10 is the number we round up to,that logic doesn't seem to transcend to other bases because every base would literally be called base 10 if we were to extend that logic.

So, in using a system with 9 unique characters, and calling it base 10, this leads to inconsistencies with every other single base. Take binary, base 2, it's called base 2 though uses 1 character, hexadecimal, called base 16, uses 15 char (1-9 [not 10 though] and A-E).

Now in binary, octal, and hexadecimal, it's not really an issue, but what about an arbitrary base n? What do we call it then?

We could assign a name to it like we have with 'base 2' i.e binary, but if we want to work within a new base, then to communicate you're working in base n, it becomes tedious.

The most logical thing to do, in my opinion, would be to call the base by the last unique number you have to work with. This is easier to remember, and resolves the issue of nomenclature.

Best Answer

This is more like a comment but it's too long, so I'm putting it as an answer instead, please accept my apology.

In base $10$, the "symbol" $78152_{10}$ represents the number

$78152_{10}=7\cdot 10^4 + 8\cdot 10^3 + 1\cdot 10^2 + 5\cdot 10^1 + 2\cdot 10^0$.

In base $n$, the "symbol" $78152_n$ represents the number

$78152_n=7\cdot n^4 + 8\cdot n^3 + 1\cdot n^2 + 5\cdot n^1 + 2\cdot n^0$.

You can see that we prefer to call a base by the number that is raised to the power of its position from the last digit. That is why we call it the base.

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