Stochastic Processes – Why Write Stochastic Differential Equations in Differential Form?


I am trying to teach myself about stochastic differential equations. In several accounts I've read, the author defines an SDE as an integral equation, in which at least one integral is a stochastic integral, then writes that in practice, people usually write the SDE in differential form. My question is, why?

There are two possible reasons I can guess:

(i) If you write an SDE in differential form, it makes it easy to simulate sample paths using random walks, and you can think of the SDE as a limit of random walks. This may provide some heuristic understanding that the integral form does not.

(ii) If you write an SDE in differential form, you can do "formal" computations with the differentials that are not necessarily rigourous, but lead to correct conclusions. Personally, I have always had trouble understanding differential forms, and from what I've read, it is difficult to define exactly what $dW_t$ means (the differential of the Wiener process, i.e. Brownian motion). I'm not even sure if $dW_t$ has a precise meaning.

Best Answer

As someone who does a lot of computations with SDEs, I can tell you my own personal reason that I use the differential notation: convenience.

For one thing, when using differential notation, you don't have to worry about mixing up dummy variables. $$ df(X_t) = f'(X_t)dX_t + \frac12f''(X_t)d\langle X\rangle_t $$ is simple and easy to read, but if I wrote it in integral form $$ f(X_t)-f(X_0) = \int_0^tf'(X_s)dX_s + \frac12 \int_0^tf''(X_s)d\langle X\rangle_s $$ it both takes much longer to write and requires me to use and keep track of the dummy variable $s$. This makes things much easier when working with multidimensional processes especially.

Another major factor is a very handy dandy abuse of notation: $dX_tdY_t := d\langle X,Y \rangle_t$. Using this abuse of notation, I can "multiply" stochastic differentials using ordinary algebraic manipulation, for example $$ d\langle f(X) \rangle_t=d f(X_t) df(X_t) = (f'(X_t))^2d\langle X\rangle_t + \frac12f'(X_t)f''(X_t)d\langle X_t, \langle X_t\rangle\rangle_t + \frac14(f''(X_t))^2d\langle\langle X \rangle_t \rangle_t $$ $$ = (f'(X_t))^2d\langle X \rangle_t + 0 + 0 $$ which actually gives the correct answer. One should be VERY careful abusing notation like this, but if you know what hypotheses allow you to use the shortcut, it saves a great deal of time in doing computations.

I should note that I am NEVER going to assign meaning to an expression like $dW_t$ on its own. I will ONLY use it in a context where a corresponding integral expression makes sense.

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