Algebraic Geometry – Why Global Rational Sections of Line Bundles Exist


Let $L$ be a line bundle on a smooth curve X (reduced, irreducible, scheme over a field $k$, or whatever). Then consider the sheaf $L \otimes_{O_X} K_X$, the sheaf of rational sections of $L$. Here $K_X$ is the sheaf of rational functions, defined on each open set to be just the field of rational functions $K(X)$.

From the point of view of a rational section as a section that is just defined on an open set (+ an equivalence relation), it is obvious that there are global rational sections of this new line bundle, since $L$ is locally free. However, I don't see this from the point of view of sheaf theory.

The book I am reading insists that one obviously comes from the local trivializations. I believe it, but I do not see how this works formally sheaf theoretically – I don't see why they patch together correctly.

Best Answer

You can cook up a compatible nonzero global section of $L \otimes_{\mathscr{O}_X} K_X$ because $L \otimes K_X|_{U}$ is a flasque on each open subset $U \subseteq X$ where $L$ is trivialized. Choose any nonzero section over any trivialization, restrict to overlaps with other trivializations, pull it back up to an element that restricts to this restriction (under a different trivialization), then glue.

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