Trigonometry – Why Dividing by Trigonometric Functions Gives Wrong Answer


Hello I have a problem with solving Trigonometric equations. Why this is not true for $0\le\theta\le360$

Set of solutions $\theta=60,360$

and this is ?

Set of solutions $\theta=0,60,180,300,360$

Both of those seem to be logical and yet they give different results. Can you tell me when should I notice that I can't divide by $\sin\theta$ or some other trig?

Best Answer

If $\sin{\theta}=0$, your equation is satisfied whatever value $2\cos{\theta}$ has (not necessarily $1$), which gives you some values of $\theta$. So you have to exclude the solutions to $\sin{\theta}=0$ before you divide by it, which will give you other values.

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