[Math] Why consider square-integrable functions


Why are $L^2$ functions important? From reading around I have three hypotheses:

  • they show up in QM (but, why?)
  • they form an inner product space (but, is that a "tight bound" or is the class easily extended to a bigger inner-product space?)
  • they represent "finite energy", which everything in the world obeys

All I really know is I keep seeing the term "square-integrable" tossed around as if it's obviously important, obviously the condition one would want to impose, etc. But why?

Best Answer

The reason that spaces of square integrable functions arose in the first place was to study the orthogonal trigonometeric (Fourier) series. Interestingly, Parseval had already noted in 1799 the equality that now bears his name: $$ \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}f(x)^{2}\,dx = \frac{1}{2}a_{0}^{2}+\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}a_{n}^{2}+b_{n}^{2}, $$ where $a_{n}$, $b_{n}$ are the (Fourier) coefficients $$ a_{n}=\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}f(x)\cos(nx)\,dx,\;\;\; b_{n}=\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}f(x)\sin(nx)\,dx. $$ This comes out of the orthogonality conditions for the $\sin(nx)$, $\cos(nx)$ terms in the Fourier series. No definite connection was seen between Euclidean N-space and the above at that time; such a connection took decades to evolve. But square-integrable functions gained interest in the early 19th century, and especially after the early 19th century work of Fourier.

It took some time to see a general Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, and to begin to see a connection with geometry, eventually leading to inner-product space abstraction for the space of square-integrable functions. The CS inequality wasn't widely known until after the 1883 publication of Schwarz, even though essentially the same result was published in 1859 by another author. Hilbert proposed his $l^{2}$ space by the early 20th centry as an abstraction of the square-summable Fourier coefficient space, but also a abstraction of finite-dimensional Euclidean space. The connection with square-integrable functions was already firmly established.

In hindsight we can see good reasons that square-integrable functions are connected with energy, and other Physics concepts, but the abstraction seems to have been dictated more out of solving equations using 'orthogonality' conditions. Of course many of the equations arose out of solving physical problems; so it's also hard to separate the two. Now, after the fact, there is interpretation of the integral of the square of a function. On the other hand, the Mathematical abstraction of dealing with functions as points in a space, with distance and geometry on those points has been even more far-reaching, and a great part of the impetus for modern abstract and rigorous Mathematics.

Note: All of this happened before Quantum Mechanics.

Reference: J. Dieudonne, "History of Functional Analysis".