Geometry – Why Three Unit Regular Triangles Can’t Cover a Unit Square

discrete geometryeuclidean-geometrygeometrypacking-problem

A square with edge length $1$ has area $1$.
An equilateral triangle with edge length $1$ has area $\sqrt{3}/4 \approx 0.433$.
So three such triangles have area $\approx 1.3$, but
it requires four such triangles to cover the unit square, e.g.:


Q. How can it be proved that three unit triangles cannot cover a unit square?

I am not seeing a straightforward route to proving this.

Best Answer

Suppose we define the corner-power of a triangle as follows:

  • A triangle gets $1$ corner-power point for each corner of the square that it contains excluding the vertices of the triangle.

  • A triangle gets $\frac{1}2$ of a corner-power point for each corner of the square that is also a vertex of the triangle.

It should be clear that, in order for a neighborhood of the square's corner to be covered by a set of triangles, it must either:

  • Be contained within a triangle, but not on the vertex.

  • Be contained as the vertex of two triangles.

Hence, a cover of the square must have at least $4$ corner-power points. However, each triangle can either have a corner in its interior (1 point) or two vertices on corners (1 point) for a maximum of $1$ point. Three triangles gets at most 3 corner-power points, which is not enough to cover a square.