[Math] Why can’t Axiom of Choice be proven by Rule C


Rule C is appeared in the textbook: Introduction to mathematical logic by Mendelson (Page 81 in the fourth edition). It is said "It is very common in mathematics to reason in the following way. Assume that we have proved a wf of the form $(\exists x)(B(x))$. Then we say, let $b$ be an object such that B(b). We continue the proof, finally arriving at a formula that does not invovle the arbitrarily chosen element $b$……….In fact, we can achieve the same result without making an arbitrary choice of element $b$". So if you have a proof using Rule C, you can also have another proof without using Rule C.

Now return to the Axiom of Choice. The axiom says that "Let $I$ be a set, and for each $\alpha \in I$, let $X_{\alpha}$ be a non-empty set. Then $\Pi_{\alpha \in I} X_{\alpha}$ is also non-empty." In other words, there exists a function $f:I \rightarrow \cup_{\alpha \in I}X_{\alpha}$ which assigns to each $\alpha$ an element $x_{\alpha} \in X_{\alpha}$. It seems that there is an obvious proof for it by Rule C: Since $\forall \alpha$, $X_{\alpha}$ is non-empty, there exists some element in $X_{\alpha}$. let $b$ be the element. So we assign $\alpha$ the element $b$. So $\forall \alpha$, we can assign an element. So the function exists.

Clearly the above proof uses Rule C. The proof can be transformed to another proof without Rule C. So there is a proof for the Axiom of Choice.

Since the Axiom of Choice has been proven to be independent, the above proof is wrong. But I failed to find it. Anybody can help me?

Best Answer

Your confusion here reminds me of the old saying "The axiom of choice is clearly true, the well-ordering principle is clearly false, and who can say about Zorn's lemma?"

While for any $\alpha$, you can choose an $x_\alpha \in X_\alpha$, you need the axiom of choice to show that this can be stitched together into a full choice function that is simultaneously valid for all $\alpha$. In other words, the axiom of choice takes you from the statement $\forall \alpha(\exists x_\alpha \in X\alpha)$ to the statement $\exists f(\forall\alpha(f(\alpha) \in X_\alpha))$

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