[Math] Why can’t a Venn diagram constitute a proof


I'm reading Boolean Algebra and Its Applications and come across this statement about Venn diagrams:

It should be remembered that such diagrams do not constitute proofs, but rather represent illustrations which make the laws seem plausible.

But I cannot distinguish a Venn diagram from just another form of notation. What is the difference, and why is a Venn digram not rigorous enough?

Best Answer

It's not saying something particularly deep, just that when you actually do axiomatize these things then a formal proof will require a string of deductions from the axioms. If you want you can build things up in such a way that a (suitably formalized notion of a) Venn diagram constitutes a proof.

EDIT: Reading a bit more of the context (I can only see a limited preview from here), I believe they're trying to motivate the definition of a Boolean algebra by showing that algebras of sets satisfy the Boolean algebra axioms. So you could regard things done with Venn diagrams as proofs in an algebra of sets, but then as Andre Nicolas notes in the comments you can't use Venn diagrams to prove general facts about Boolean algebras since you don't know that every Boolean algebra can be described as an algebra of sets.