Linear Algebra – Why Can the Determinant Be Assumed to Be 0?

determinanteigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebrastatistics

I'm trying to work through how to calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

I start with

$$Ax=\lambda x$$

Where $A$ is a $p \times p$ matrix, $\lambda$ is the eigenvalue and $x$ is the eigenvector.

This is the same as:

$$Ax=I\lambda x$$

$$Ax-I\lambda x=0$$

$$(A-I\lambda) x=0$$

We define the matrix $A$ as a $2 \times 2$ matrix:

$\begin{bmatrix}4 & -2\\-3 & 6\end{bmatrix}$

Thus this -$I\lambda$ equals

$\begin{bmatrix}4-\lambda & -2\\-3 & 6-\lambda\end{bmatrix}$


$$Det(A-I\lambda)=24-10\lambda +\lambda^2 -6$$
$$Det(A-I\lambda)=18 – 10\lambda + \lambda^2 $$

Then, out of the blue my textbook claims that

$$0=30 – 10\lambda + \lambda^2 $$

How do I justify setting the determinant to $0$?

(I do "not" have an advanced knowledge in linear algebraic analysis, I only know how the determinant is used to calculate the inverse matrix)

Best Answer

The text is not claiming that the determinant is $0$. The text is saying "Let's find out for which values of lambda the determinant is $0$!"

So the determinant is $\lambda^2 - 10\lambda + 30$, and you want to find the $\lambda$ such that it is equal to zero. What do you do? You set it equal to zero and solve for $\lambda$. That is, you solve the equation

$$\lambda^2 - 10\lambda + 30 = 0$$

As for why you are interested in the values of $\lambda$ that make the determinant equal to $0$, remember that

$$rank(A-\lambda I) = n \iff det(A - \lambda I) \neq 0$$

So, if $det(A-\lambda I) \neq 0$, you will find that the only solution to $(A - \lambda I)x = 0$ is $x = 0$ (due to the fact that the rank of the matrix is full, hence the kernel only contains the $0$ vector). This means that the only $x$ such that $Ax = \lambda x$ is $x=0$, which means that $x$ is not an eigenvector.

So the only way to have eigenvectors is to have the determinant of $A - \lambda I$ be equal to zero, so that's why to find eigenvalues you look for the values of $\lambda$ that make $det(A - \lambda I) = 0$

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