[Math] Why are we Multiplying here instead of Adding


Three small towns designated by $A$, $B$ and $C$ are interconnected by by a system of two-way roads as described below

[hopefully the following answer is enough info without picture]

part a)In how many ways can Linda travel from town $A$ to town $C$?

I calculated $14$ and the answer key agrees with me.

part b) How many different round trips can Linda travel from town $A$ to town $C$ and back to town $A$?

I said $14+14$ because you have $14$ ways to go there, and from there you have $14$ ways to go back. The answer key has $14\times14$, why?

I've been given the following tips to help determine if adding or multiplying is necessary. Does anyone have any tips to add or disagree with any of the ones on the list?

  • unions, the word "either" and the word "or" suggest to use the sum rule
  • instersections, the word "and" or if steps are implied suggest to use the product rule

Best Answer

There are $14$ ways to go there, and for each of those $14$ ways there are $14$ more ways to go back.

So, if you took route $1$ there, the number of routes back is $14$. If you took route $2$ there, the number of routes back is $14$ ($28$ total). Do this $14$ times because there are $14$ routes there, and the result is $14 \times 14$.