Riemannian Geometry – Why Are Closed Geodesics Important?


There's a lot of work about the existence, number and other properties of closed geodesics on a Riemannian manifold (belonging to some specific class of manifolds).

In the case of geodesics representing some non trivial homotopy class of closed curves on a (not simply connected) manifold, I understand the importance/usefullness of knowing that such a homotopy class (element of the fundamental group) can be represented by a geodesic. But what about simply connected manifolds? In dimension 2 the simply connected surfaces are $S^2, \mathbb{R}^2$ and $\mathbb{H}^2$; according to Lusternik-Fet, $S^2$, being compact, admits non trivial closed geodesics (whereas the other two do not), but they are all homotopically trivial; I don't get what these closed geodesic tell about the topology of $S^2$; my feeling is that maybe the whole situation is quite trivial in dimension 2, but I'm not much familiar with manifolds of dimension 3 or higher (spheres, euclidean and projective spaces apart)…so any interesting example is welcome!

I know that existence results are always of fundamental importance on their own, but here I can't figure out which are the implications of the existence of closed geodesic (especially in the simply connected case, as pointed out above).

To sum up, I'm interested in the following questions:

1) what if a manifold has a closed geodesic?

2) what if a manifold has no closed geodesic? (can I say that then the manifold is simply connected?…the punctured euclidean plane seems a counterexample…what if I restrict my question to complete manifolds?)

3) what if a manifold has more than one closed geodesic? or even infinite? (here I mean "distinct" geodesics, in some sense)

4) what if every geodesic is closed?

I would appreciate explicit examples as well as theorems or references on the subject.

Best Answer

I think closed geodesics are interesting because they place powerful constraints on the geometry and topology of a Riemannian manifold.

For instance, it is possible to place bounds on the volume and diameter of a manifold if you know the lengths of the longest or shortest closed geodesics. In fact there is sort of an entire subfield of Riemannian geometry called "systolic geometry" based on this principle; you might check out the wikipedia page for further discussion.

Moreover, there is a very nice theorem of Cartan which asserts that every free homotopy class of loops in a compact Riemannian manifold has a geodesic. This result answers your second question in the compact case, and there are counterexamples among complete manifolds (for instance, take an infinite cylinder whose radius monotonically decreases). It's useful because it can be used to relate topology and geometry; for instance this is the key ingredient in the proof of a theorem of Preissman which asserts that every nontrivial abelian subgroup of the fundamental group of a compact Riemannian manifold with negative curvature is infinite cyclic. This helps rule out metrics of negative curvature on a lot of manifolds.

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