[Math] Why are the order-of-operations conventions good


Children are sometimes taught silly mnemonics like "PEMDAS" to remember conventions on order of operations. (I never heard of "PEMDAS" until long after graduating from college, as far as I can recall. I think it means (1) parentheses, (2) exponentiation, (3) multiplication and division, and (4) addition and subtraction.)

I think it would be better to help them understand why those particular conventions, rather than some others, are a good thing. Maybe even demonstrably optimal by some precisely definable desiderata?

How would one make the case for the usual conventions against possible alternatives?

I think I might say that if one operation distributes over another, it should come first, and we go from left to right because we normally read that way. Maybe I'll post my own answer to this if I'm so inspired at some point.

Best Answer

Well, since parentheses exist precisely to specify the intended order of operations in case the usual default rules don't cut it, it makes sense that they come first

As for exponentation, I'd say that this is a consequence of using superscripts to indicate exponentation, since those (via font size) provide a natural grouping. It'd certainly be very weird if $a^b + c$ meant $a^{(b+c)}$ instead of $(a^b) + c$, since the different font sizes of $b$ and $c$ indicate that they're somehow on different levels.

As MJD pointed out though, this arguments only applies to the exponent. Font size alone doesn't explain why $a + b^c$ means $a + (b^c)$ and not $(a + b)^c$ and the same for $a\cdot b^c$ vs. $a\cdot(b^c)$ respectively $(a\cdot b)^c$. For these, I'd argue that it's also a matter of visual grouping. In both $a\cdot b^c$ and $a + b^c$, the exponent is written extremely close to the $b$, without a symbol which'd separate the two. On the other hand $a$ and $b$ are separated by either a $+$ or a $\cdot$. Now, for multiplication the dot may be omitted, but it doesn't have to be omitted, i.e. since $ab$ and $a\cdot b$ are equivalent, one naturally wants $ab^c$ and $a\cdot b^c$ to be equivalent too.

For multiplication, division, addition subtraction, I always felt that the choice is somewhat arbitrary. Having said that, one reason that does speak in favour of having multiplication take precedence over addition is that one is allowed to leave out the dot and simply write $ab$ instead of $a\cdot b$. Since this isn't allowed for addition, in a lot of cases the terms which are multiplied will be closer together than those which are added, so most people will probably recognize them as "belonging together".

You may then ask "how come we're allowed to leave out the dot, but not the plus sign". This, I believe is a leftover from times when equations where stated in natural language. In most langues, you say something like "three apples" to indicate, well, three apples. In other words, you simply prefix a thing by a number to indicate multiple instances of that thing. This property of natural languages is mimicked in equations by allowing one to write $3x$ with the understanding that it means "3 of whatever $x$ is".

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