Matrices – Why Nonsquare Matrices Are Not Invertible


I have a theoretical question. Why are non-square matrices not invertible?

I am running into a lot of doubts like this in my introductory study of linear algebra.

Best Answer

I think the simplest way to look at it is considering the dimensions of the Matrices $A$ and $A^{-1 }$ and apply simple multiplication.

So assume, wlog $A$ is $m \times n $, with $n\neq m$ then $A^{-1 }$ has to be $n\times m$ because thats the only way $AA^{-1 }=I_m$

But it must also be true that $A^{-1 } A=I_m$ but now instead of $I_m$ you get $I_n$ wich is not in accordance with the definition of an Inverse ( see ZettaSuro)

Hence $m$ must be equal to $n$