Abstract Algebra – Why Higher-Degree Polynomial Equations Are Harder to Solve


I am confused about the significance of the powers on equations. For example, in $ax = b$, intuitively $b$ is a value $x$ multiplied $a$ times. In $ax + b = c$, $c$ is a value $x$ multiplied $a$ times added to by $b$. In $ax^2 + bx + c = d$, $d$ is a value $x$ multiplied by itself and by another value $a$ added to by the $x$ multiplied by a value $b$ and that added to by another value $c$. This and so on.

Even in the simple equation $x^2 = y$, $x$ is intuitively $\sqrt{y}$ and so on for arbitrary powers and roots. For the equation $x + x = y$, $x$ is placed doubly and $y$ is equal to that doubled x, so $x$ would be $y$ halved. But when a particular case like $x^2 + x = y$ arises and so on with all orders and polynomials of those orders ("higher order equations"), it cannot be solved so easily and the whole process begins to seem much more foreign and contrived.

Why am I no longer able to intuitively solve for the unknown in such an equation when an exponent greater than one is used? Why doesn't the seamless reversing of operations to solve extend to higher order equations?

Best Answer

I think the difference you are picking up on has to do with the structure of the equation itself. In some equations, the unknown $x$ is acted on serially through a sequence of nested operations; solving the equation amounts to "unwinding" those operations one by one. For example, $\frac{(3x+5)^2-19}{2}=10$ can be thought of as "take $x$, triple it, add $5$, square the result, subtract $19$, and divide by $2$; the result is $10$. You can diagram this as a series of functions like so:

enter image description here

So to solve it, you reverse those steps: Start with $10$, multiply it by $2$, add $19$, take the square root, subtract $5$, divide by $3$.

But in other equations -- even fairly simple ones -- have a different kind of structure. For example, $x^2+5x=10$ looks like this:

enter image description here

Notice that this structure resists any attempt to solve it by "unwinding", precisely because of the fork in the diagram. The $x$ flows through more than one path, which makes it impossible to trace the result backwards to its source.

Some equations are presented in a form that at first appears to have multiple-paths (e.g. $3x + 5x = 16$) but we can rearrange them to a single-path structure (for example, via the distributive property / combining like terms). But higher-degree polynomial equations typically have terms that cannot be combined, and this is what makes them resistant to the kind of intuitive solution you are asking about.

Update: In the comments below, the OP asks:

This makes sense, but then how are general solutions for higher order equations like the quadratic formula derived algebraically/symbolically? I am familiar with the geometric proof by completing the square, but do higher order equations suddenly require the vantage of geometry to solve? Or is there a pure/direct algebraic derivation that can be thought to extend from the basis of "unwinding" or the like?

Although completing the square is historically geometric in origin, it can be understood in a purely algebraic way as a method of restructuring a function so that it has a "serial" structure, enabling it to be solved via unwinding. Let's take the example of $x^2+5x=10$, already diagrammed above. In completing the square, you first add $(\frac{5}{2})^2=\frac{25}{4}$ to both sides of the equation, obtaining $x^2 + 5x + \frac{25}{4} = \frac{65}{4}$. Then you recognize the left-hand side as a perfect square trinomial, so the equation can be written $(x + \frac{5}{2})^2 = \frac{65}{4}$. This equation, if represented diagrammatically, would have a simple serial structure: Start with $x$, add $\frac{5}{2}$, square it, and end up with $\frac{65}{4}$. It can then be solved by unwinding: Start with $\frac{65}{4}$, take the square root(s) (keeping in mind that there are two square roots, one positive and one negative), and subtract $\frac{5}{2}$.

Of course, this is not the only method that can be used to tackle quadratics. Consider the slightly different example of $x^2 + 5x = 24$. If we rearrange this as $x^2 + 5x - 24 = 0$ and factor the LHS, we get $(x-3)(x+8)=0$. This equation can be diagrammed as follows:

enter image description here

At first glance this looks to be no better than the original equation; it has a fork in it, and seems resistant to unwinding. But! There is this property of real numbers, the "zero product property", which says that if two numbers multiply to be zero, then one of them must be zero. And that allows you to split the diagram into two separate diagrammatic cases:

enter image description here

And each of those can be tackled via a very simple unwinding method.

In short, most of the techniques that are taught (at least at the high school level) for solving polynomial equations can be understood as "methods for re-structuring equations so that unwinding techniques can be employed". (I'm not claiming that they are taught in those terms, or that they should be, but merely that they can be thought of that way.)

Unfortunately this only gets you so far. Once you get to 5th degree polynomials, it is a famous result that there may be solutions that cannot be expressed by a combination of "simple" operations (see here). That means, among other things, that there is no way to restructure a general 5th degree polynomial so as to enable a solution via unwinding techniques.